Web Component to create a customized search input with the tipical search icon and a clear search functionality. Also it provides a "delay" property to wait when a keystroke occurs and when a search is emitted.
This component does not search anything by itself. It's only a search user interface you may use to create a search functionality as you need. Instead of making a search the component emits events with a keyword to tell others that the user want to perform a search action.
npm i @dile/dile-input-search
Import the component.
import '@dile/dile-input-search/dile-input-search.js';
Use the component.
- delay: Miliseconds the component waits between when a keystroke occurs and when a search keyword is emitted.
- placeholder: Placeholder text
- keyword: the text typed into the input search component
- disabled: The component is disabled
- set(value): Set the search value and emmit a dile-input-search event with the new value.
- focus(): Set the focus on the input element
- clear(): Clear the input element and emmit a dile-input-search with the empty value. Also emmit a dile-input-search-cleared event
Custom events
- dile-input-search: A search is performed with a new keyword. The event detail is an object like this:
keyword: "the text searched"
- dile-input-search-cleared: The search element is cleared because the user has clicked on the clear icon or
method has called.
CSS Custom Properties
You can customize it using CSS Custom Properties.
Custom property | Description | Default |
--dile-icon-color | Icon color | 0.5rem |
--dile-icon-size | Icon size | 24px |
--dile-input-width | Input element width | 100% |
--dile-input-border-width | Input element border width | 1px |
--dile-input-border-color | Input element border color | #888 |
--dile-input-border-radius | Input element border radius | 5px |
--dile-input-font-size | Input element font size | 1em |
--dile-input-line-height | Input element line height | 1.5em |
--dile-input-color | Input text color | #303030 |
--dile-input-background-color | Color for the background input element | #fff |
--dile-input-padding | Padding for the input text | 5px |
--dile-input-placeholder-color | Placeholder color | #ccc |
--dile-input-focus-border-color | Border color on focus state | #6af |
dile-input-search demos
Default search input
class MyComponent extends LitElement {
static get styles() {
return css`
render() {
return html`
<dile-input-search id="search1"></dile-input-search>
<button id="clear">Clear</button>
<div id="message1">Message...</div>
firstUpdated() {
this.shadowRoot.getElementById('search1').addEventListener('dile-input-search', (e) => {
let keyword = e.detail.keyword;
keyword = keyword ? 'Search is performed. Keyword is: ' + keyword : 'The keyword is cleared';
this.shadowRoot.getElementById('message1').innerText = keyword;
this.shadowRoot.getElementById('clear').addEventListener('click', () => {
customElements.define('my-component', MyComponent);
export const JsStory = () => html`<my-component></my-component>`;
Styled search interface
.styled {
--dile-input-border-radius: 0;
--dile-input-border-color: #e553e3;
--dile-input-border-width: 4px;
--dile-input-line-height: 2.5rem;
--dile-input-background-color: #333;
--dile-input-placeholder-color: #999;
--dile-input-color: #fff;
--dile-input-width: 300px;
--dile-icon-size: 32px;
--dile-icon-color: #c923c6;