logo polydile dile-components


This is an adaptation of the dile-spinner element using a modal box, blocking the interface of the rest of the page when the spinner is active.


npm i @dile/dile-spinner


Similar as dile-spinner implementation.

Import the component.

import '@dile/dile-spinner/dile-spinner-modal.js';

Use the component.

<dile-spinner-modal active></dile-spinner-modal>


You can use the same custom properties as the dile-spinner component.

Also, dile-spinner-modal has this aditional properties:

Custom propertyDescriptionDefault
--dile-spinner-modal-background-colorThe modal layer background colorrgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)
--dile-spinner-modal-box-colorColor of a small layer rounding the spinner element for higher contrast and visibilityrgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)

dile-spinner-modal demos

Default spinner

class MyComponent extends LitElement {

  render() {
    return html`
        <button id="start">Start spinner (it will stop in 5seg)</button>
  firstUpdated() {
    let spinner = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('dile-spinner-modal');
    this.shadowRoot.getElementById('start').addEventListener('click', (e) => {
      spinner.active = true;
      setTimeout(() => spinner.active = false, 5000);
customElements.define('my-component', MyComponent);
export const JsStory = () => html`<my-component></my-component>`;

Styled spinner

class SecondComponent extends LitElement {

  render() {
    return html`
      .blue {
        --dile-spinner-color: #36a;
        --dile-spinner-modal-background-color: rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.8);
        --dile-spinner-modal-box-color: #fff;
        <button id="start">Start spinner (it will stop in 5seg)</button>
      <dile-spinner-modal class="blue"></dile-spinner-modal>
  firstUpdated() {
    let spinner = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('dile-spinner-modal');
    this.shadowRoot.getElementById('start').addEventListener('click', (e) => {
      spinner.active = true;
      setTimeout(() => spinner.active = false, 5000);
customElements.define('second-component', SecondComponent);
export const JsStory2 = () => html`<second-component></second-component>`;